Beadcrete Pool Plaster

Gives a vibrant sparkly finish & better textured glass bead concrete pool

Marvel has engineered this product with the technology using a homogenous mix of cement, glass beads and water in required proportion, applied like plaster on finished concrete with assured quality and consistency are assured to create a vibrant sparkling finish of astounding aesthetic appeal to your pool. The Product can be easily and smoothly applied to any contour, taking up curves, steps, bends, wavy surface easily, finally giving a seamless majestic look. The glass beads are either in green, blue or clear color, while the cement is white or blue. The upgraded technology has resulted in improved durability, performance and a better-textured concrete pool which is 100% bacteria fungus proof, 100% impervious surface and highly organic.

This architectural surface looks aesthetic under both natural and artificial lights. Available in a range of designer colors, this remarkable surface finish enhances the visual effect contemporary architecture demands.

Designer Beadcrete Flexible Pool
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